Where do you get the money to travel? Are you rich? For those who aren’t, saving is necessary and today we’ll show some tricks and ways to save money for your next trip. It might not be easy or fun but everyone can agree it’s worth it. Recent polls by autoeurope.co.uk among the British people have shown that 27 percent are saving money for a sun-soaked holiday. On one hand 38% of the are seeking a holiday in Europe while on the other hand a 30% are working on saving for an exotic and tropical vacation to a far away destination even without their partner.
Traveling can be expensive. Money is always an important topic and a subject that throws back many people when it comes to travel. As our goal is to encourage you to start the adventure of your life by traveling, we want to show you all the ways that we use to save money to travel.
1. Aim and analyze your monthly expenses
It’s the typical advice you get when it comes to wanting to save, but it really works! The first thing you have to aim for are all the monthly expenses (rent, water, electricity, gas, transportation etc). Some of these will be necessary and unavoidable while others will be avoidable and we might consider them a whim. Study your particular case and try to lower them. Can you share a flat? Can you lower the gas bill if you seal the windows or wear a little more clothes at home? Do you really need that high monthly rate on your mobile?
2. Do not borrow
If you want to save, try not to debt. Taking a credit will mean that each month you will have to devote part of your money to that debt and, certainly, pay interest.
3. Set savings goals
Everything is easier when we have goals. Put small savings challenges with which to motivate and make other things’ deprivation simpler. Do you think you could save 10% of your income? 20%? Put a target and it will be easier to go ahead with it. Keep in mind that you should not put impossible goals because, when you do not reach them, you are just going to getting the opposite effect and might get frustrated.
4. Do not spend on what you do not need
Sounds easy, does it not? Why should I spend on something I do not need? Well, I’ll tell you, I’ll give you an example: have you ever gone shopping to the supermarket hungry? Everything fits you, everything seems cheap and, in the end, you end up filling your car to unsuspected limits. Make the shopping list before going to the market and a list of things you need to buy when you go to buy clothes. Before you buy something ask yourself do I need it? Or is it just a whim?
5. Set weekly budgets
It really is closely related to point number 3, but our minds receive it differently. Perhaps there are those who understand better by putting a saving objective while others are better at acting on a budget. Maybe a mix of both works well. How much do you think you can spend per day? a week? Remember when your parents gave you the weekly pay and with that you had to do the rest? Try it!