Tips for Battling Fatigue While Traveling

Everybody has seen the survey question: Would you rather spend your money on things or experiences? It almost always comes back that “experiences” wins in a landslide, with travel being the item that people are most willing to spend on.

With that said, as much as we enjoy making lasting memories through our travels, nobody likes that sickening feeling of exhaustion when they land. However, with proper planning and some creative thinking, there is little need to fear jet lag. 

From outside-the-box concepts like avoiding vehicle rentals to leading health trends such as mobile IV therapy for wellness, keep reading as we explore some tips for battling fatigue while traveling. 

Businesswoman and men asleep on passenger ferry

Avoid Vehicle Rentals when Possible

Having a vehicle at your destination seems like a wonderful idea. It provides the promise of freedom in your new environment and can possibly save some money if you have multiple pit stops throughout the day.

However, having a vehicle can be more trouble than it’s worth in a lot of ways.

First of all, driving is stressful enough on your home turf. You constantly have to be on the alert. This is magnified many times over in a new city with which you are completely unfamiliar.

Then there are all of the logistical battles that come with having a vehicle. Where to park? Is my insurance coverage sufficient? Will the rental company charge me for a dent that was already there?

Sure, there are times when a vehicle will be an essential component of a trip. But many other times, it is awfully relaxing to just kick back and let a driver take you where you need to go. 

Schedule Travel Around Sleep

It may sound overly simplistic to say that getting enough sleep is vital to avoiding travel fatigue. But so many travelers omit sleep from their itineraries and wonder why they feel terrible throughout their entire travel experience.

Yes, it can save some money to take the red-eye out and the 5:15 AM coming back. But is it really worth it if you can’t enjoy the experience? Try to schedule your travel with your normal daily routine in mind. If you are in a bed at your normal wake-up and bedtime, the chances of you feeling great significantly increase. 

Schedule Mobile IV Therapy

Mobile IV therapy is a trending solution for travelers looking to beat jet lag. It offers multiple benefits that can help you feel rested and energized at your destination.

The most apparent is its potential for rapid hydration. Many of the most common travel fatigue symptoms (headache, irritability, difficulty concentrating) are also symptoms of dehydration. Coincidence? Not likely. It is just flat-out difficult to stay properly hydrated during a fight. 

Rushing to make departures and connections can make sipping water an afterthought. And even for those who do remember the importance of hydration when traveling, it can be a delicate balance between keeping fluid levels at optimal levels without being that person who has to get up every 10 minutes to use the restroom during the flight.

By scheduling mobile IV therapy at your hotel or vacation rental upon landing, you give yourself the best chance for quickly restoring fluid homeostasis. IV drips introduce key fluids and electrolytes directly to the bloodstream, bypassing the lengthy digestive process. Most patients can feel the hydrating effects of IV therapy immediately.

In addition, many IV infusions contain key vitamins, such as B12, taurine, and L-carnitine, which are known to facilitate natural, sustainable energy production in the body without the inevitable crash inherent to sugary and caffeine-spiked energy supplements. According to Vanessa Cabrera of Las Vegas Mobile IV Therapy:

“After a long flight, when fatigue and dehydration set in, mobile IV can be a lifesaver- quickly replenishing fluids and essential nutrients to restore your energy levels, helping you feel revitalized and ready to make the most of your destination.”  

Avoid Over-Consuming Alcohol

It may not be the most popular piece of advice for travelers looking to cut loose, but it will be very difficult to beat travel fatigue while also battling a hangover. 

Alcohol is known to upset sleep cycles, causing frequent wakings in the second half of the night that interrupt the deep, restorative sleep necessary to feel your best the next day. Even if you don’t get completely hammered, alcohol is a powerful diuretic that will get you up throughout the night to go to the bathroom, further disrupting recovery.

Therefore, instead of searching “hangover cure Las Vegas” or “hangover rebound Miami” it is worthwhile to moderate alcohol consumption in the first place. Limit yourself to two drinks per outing and be sure to drink plenty of water before and after each drink. You will thank yourself when you get home. 

Beat Travel Fatigue with Practical Measures

Jet lag and travel fatigue are notorious for taking the luster out of travel experiences. By considering any of the pro tips listed above, you give yourself the best chance for beating travel fatigue and creating the best type of travel memories possible. For more of the latest on all matters travel-related, explore the Trip & Travel Blog for ideas and inspiration today!

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