Travel Infographics

A collection of the latest travel Infographics from in order to help graphically oriented travellers

Best 50 attractions of the world

Are you wondering which is going to be your next travel destination? Have a look at the travel infographic below and pick the best one ;)  

Job situation in the USA while traveling

Do you want to go and live in the USA but you dont know the situation there? The infographic below show some point of the economi situation there.  

Travel therapy jobs around the world

Do you want to try your luck in the healthcare system? The infografic below with the travel statistics shows all the details.  

Top ski destinations in Europe

Is skiing your prefereable sport? Do you know where to go and have fun skiing? The travel infographics below shows all these cold place :)  

Travel destinatiations offering sun in the winter

Are you from the USA? Is it winter and you are freezing? Do you want to know a place that will change your body with a bit of sun? The travel infographic below shows...

Do you know how much you spent for your vacations?

We all know that it is a great feeling while being on holidays. The bad feeling is when you finish them and you check your bank account. The travel infographic below shows all the...

Travel destinations for the celebrities

Hey mate!!! Ye you @@...Did you ever wonder where do the famous people have theirĀ  vacations?? I do think about it a lot of times :) The travel infographic below shows all these tricky...

Educational travel: the benefits

The travel infographic below show the results of a study that was done fo the benefits that offers the educational travel. Pay some attention :)  

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