Travel Infographics

A collection of the latest travel Infographics from in order to help graphically oriented travellers

What to do in Florida, USA

Are you bored of reading websites and blogs in order to find some fun stuff to do in Florida? The travel infographic below shows all the things that you can do there mate!! Enjoy...

The Move of the Millenium (Cape Hatteras Lighthouse)

The particular inforgaphic was made by:, The various elements of the infographic are fantastic.  Moreover, this lighthouse has been removed.

The costs of taking the ski gear depending on each airline

Luggage is always a subject of reflection when planning a trip. The question that might often come to our mind is: what can airlines do to convince us to check in our luggage? And the answer is simple, to...

The world map with different wierd stereotypes

Did you ever think what people think about your country and what is the stereotype that shows the origin of your country? The travel infographic below shows the countries with their named stereotypes. Enjoy...

Bicycle as a symbol in Amsterdam, the total bike guide

The particular infographic is created by easyjet holidays in order to make the celebration of the position that Amsterdam has on the top of the list for the urban cycling places. Enjoy your ride...

Educational travel: the benefits

The travel infographic below show the results of a study that was done fo the benefits that offers the educational travel. Pay some attention :)  

The numbers behind the travel industry

Did you ever wonder how many things are behind the travel industry? The following travel infographic from Travelmatch shows all the stats.

What is an adventure traveler ?

Not a lot of people can be characterized as adventure travelers. The travel infographic below which was designed by HCCMIS describes the “Explorer Traveler”

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