Food & Drink

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Cal-Pep restaurant Spain

Which are the best restaurants in Spain

Barcelona is a paradise for those who love good food and high gastronomy. Whether you choose a simple tapas bar, a tavern in the port or a restaurant with Michelin stars, it is certain...

The Clink Restaurant | Real food and real prisoners

There are some prisons that are worth visiting, among other reasons because they are already empty. In some you can even sleep, but with the certainty of leaving the next day, of course! This one, however, is...

What to eat in Greece this summer

Let’s leave aside our traditional food and let's focus only on traditional dishes that are part of the Greek tradition. Meanwhile, we find that by the Hellenic Tourism in Greece has appeared first in...

Have coffee like never before in the land where it was born for the...

Legend has it that the first time a human being tried a cup of coffee was some many centuries ago in the lands that now compound Ethiopia. That person was a young shepherd named Kaldi keen on playing the...

Beautiful cafés around the world

The British poet of the 20th century T. S. Eliot said characteristically that he has measured his life with coffee spoons! And it is most unlikely to do something similar, and coffee in all...
Fish Bone

Fish & Chips in London, here’s where you can find the best

After the bagels, one of the delicacies typical of the British capital is the classic bag of fish and chips (fried breaded fish accompanied by chips and if you really want to be traditional,...
Thai cousine Tom Yum Talay

Thai people explain the Thai cuisine and some food recipes

In Thai cuisine, as opposed to the cuisine of the West, there is no division into first and second dish. There can even be up to five dishes in a meal! The cuisine is rich...

The most beautiful pubs in England | The Eagle and Child, Oxford

One of the great classics to visit England is a pub tour, a great way to sample the local food and wine culture, which also allows you to live an experience of cultural tourism;...

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