News On Deals

Trip and travel experts compare and hundreds of travel and entertainment deals so you can find cheap places, hotels, flights, cruises etc…

The Zadkine Museum in Paris

Ossip Zadkin was a Russian-born French sculptor. Born in Belarus then he became partof the Russian Empire from a Jew father and mother of Scottish descents as IoselAronovič Čadkin, after attending the art school...

Most beautiful beaches in the world | En Vau in France

The French use the term Calanque to define a bay or a creek, which flows between steep walls of rock, usually limestone, typical of some areas of their Mediterranean coast. By their very nature,...

Five Signs You Know You’ve Got a Good Travel Deal

Although most of us are cutting back on our everyday spending, there is still one luxury that many of us would struggle to live without – a week in the sunshine. However, with the...

What to see in Belgium: Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Designed by the architect Balat, the greenhouses are a magical place that captivates lovers of architecture of the nineteenth century and plant enthusiasts, with its huge windows with metal structure that host flowers, plants...

Holidays in 2013 – get more for your cash

If you want to get away for a holiday, which are the best value places on earth to go to? There’s just so much economic doom and gloom in the media at the moment...

Four Must-See Lakes from Around the World

Water has always been a main standpoint for life in any place on Earth. Since time began, animals and humans alike have set up camp near rivers and lakes to help sustain populations, and...

France | The city and the medieval festival of Semur en Auxois in Burgundy

That's why we go back again in those parts, to be precise from the parts of Semur en Auxois, in Burgundy (just north of Dijon and very south of Paris). We are going to Anchor...

MuséoParc d’Alesia| A historical park in Burgundy

If you decide to spend a few days in that area - for instance near Sens, Dijon, Beaune, Macon and Nevers - bear in mind the MuséoParc d'Alesia, a historical theme park that seems...

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