Here are some tips to make better use of your money and your time when visiting the European beauties.
The papers
To avoid problems, it is best to bring all the papers and keep in hand the ticket of the return trip, the hotel reservation and obviously the passport. You may also be asked to declare how much money you’re taking with you after a certain limit.
The key is to buy the tickets in advance; three or four months in advance is best. All airlines offer constant promotions, so it’s worth subscribing to some and constantly keep an eye out for offers. There are also experts who advise travelers to buy tickets after midnight, because at that time is when promotions usually appear.

Flying at low cost
All you have to remember is that while flying with a low cost airline you will not have an assigned seat and hand luggage is allowed only one piece of up to ten kilos. If you carry a suitcase in the hold you must pay a surcharge of between 15 and 25 euros. Journeys between European counties are often short. That will allow you to optimize the time and enjoy the destinations more. You should note that most low-cost airlines depart and land at small airports, which are often located far from urban centers. The key is to learn with time how to navigate.

When traveling by train
Europe has a comprehensive rail system. You can travel by train from city to city within the same country, or from country to country. This is a very good option for those who have time, because the distances are long. For example, from Madrid to Paris, the tour takes up to 13 hours. A big advantage is that, by train, you can enjoy beautiful scenery and there is more space for luggage and you are more comfortable than with a plane. They are recommended for those who want to save a hotel night, as some have beds.

What is the best season
The climate is key. It is best to schedule between May and June (spring) to enjoy long sunny days. Summer begins in June and can become very strong and even unbearable, as temperatures can exceed 40 degrees in some countries. The peak season usually occurs from July to October, when most Europeans go on summer vacation which could raise prices for planes, trains, hotels and restaurants.
If you want the best rates in all tourist services, it is recommended to travel between November and March, which are considered off-season.

Walking and adventure
European cities are designed to be walked and explored. Needless to say you need to take an excursion. With a good guide, with the advice of friends who have traveled to Europe and the recommendations of experts and travel bloggers, you’ll have sufficient knowledge to discover everything by yourself. Another good alternative is to use the public bicycle system of most cities. Do not attempt to see everything in one trip and discard these marathon tours that take tourists to visit 20 countries in two months. Besides being expensive, they are limited with immovable itineraries.
There is nothing better than traveling slowly and at your own pace, according to your tastes and interests. It’s all part of the adventure.
Photos: Charles Clegg, Iulian, Michael Schwarzer.