Modern times call for modern solutions. How can you keep your fitness levels up while leading a life of travels, whether for business or pleasure? Here’s a practical guide to must-have travel fitness equipment.
Simplicity is Key!
When it comes to traveling and fitness, the answer is to think simple yet smart. Some of the best solutions are already primed for travel. From jump ropes to compact yoga mats, your fitness will stay on track no matter where you are.
Building Strength All Around the Globe!
Resistance and strength training is one of the easiest travel routines to maintain. A full-body workout is easy to obtain if you have the right tools. Here are a few must-haves that will transform your hotel rooms into quick fitness centers.
- Victorem Booty Resistance bands – these are compact enough to fit into a backpack or hand luggage. These are great for the weeks where your travel plans cross over your leg and lower body workouts.
- Water filled free weights are the portable solution your strength training asked for; they are simple to use and easy to transport. All you need is a water source. Fill them up with water, ready, steady, LIFT!
- Push up bars – imagine never having to touch hotel floors again; these nifty tools are not only compact but allow you to deepen your arm and core workouts. They are not only ideal for traditional push-ups; they work for all push-ups and fitness enthusiasts of any level.
- If you are a heavy lifter and need an extra push when working out, Sandbags with liquid fillers are the answer to your travel dreams. While bodyweight training can only work so far, these are here to fill the gaps. With an additional 100LB added to your travel workout, you are sure to be squatting and working those glutes in no time. Once you are done sweating, and ready to pack up and go home, simply empty the water, dry off the outside, and pop them back in your bag. They only take up as much space as a nice towel.
Five-step full-body workout (3 sets x 20 reps of each)
- Lunges – with your booty bands in place, lunge from one end of your hotel room to the other.
- Elevated Push-ups
- Jumping jacks
- Reverse crunches
- Plank for 20 – 30 seconds (if you have push-up bars, use these)
Heart Rate Rockers!
Weights sorted, how do you manage your cardio fitness routine with limited equipment? Cardio is one of the easiest ways to stay fit, while not all destinations are suitable for the obvious run around the block due to time, safety, or weather concerns depending on where you are located. Here are the best portable exercise equipment items you would love.
- TRX suspension training system is the solution to a quick HIIT workout no matter what timezone you are working out in. These are easy to use and even easier to transport. TRX systems fit into any gym bag. Now there is no disruption to your workout. Simply set the suspension trainer up in your room, and get your heart rate pumping.
- If you are data-driven and love tracking your steps on a treadmill as well as your heart rate and calories burnt, then investing in a smartwatch with workout tracking is worth it. With many health programs offering discounts and points that you may earn by working out, this helps keep track, so you stay on top of your health. Most modern-day smartwatches have a reminder to workout functions, so even in a busy schedule, you know you need to put aside time to raise that heart rate and get your game face on.
- Portable speed ladders – these versatile agility ladders are easy to use and store. They are 9 feet long, allowing you to track reps accurately.
Beat Stress!
Travel for business doesn’t have to be a stressful situation. Studies have shown that even a 5-minute workout can combat stress and revitalize you. Next time you are tired and weary from your travels, grab your yoga travel mat and stretch out after settling into your room.
Yoga is the most travel-friendly fitness solution for easing sore and stiff muscles. Whether you are aching from a long flight or a board meeting that felt like it would never end, give this sequence a try for ultimate results.
Less is More!
With a few of these items stashed in your gym bag, you are well on your way to creating your own mini circuit in a hotel room. Your fitness levels do not need to take a second seat to your schedule.