Adventure is something every traveler looks forward to, but packing for that adventure is most certainly not. Smart packing for your flight will cause you less stress and let you focus on the important things… like what restaurant you’re going stop at after your flight. Use these five tips for efficient, light packing on your next flight.
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1. Buy the right luggage
If you’re trying to save space and money, having smaller luggage is key. Try to find a carry-on size bag that will fit only the essentials. Basic toiletries, necessary clothing and something to keep you busy on the plane is all you need. Organizing your suitcase with packing cubes or expandable bags will keep everything tidy and give you more room for souvenirs on your trip.
2. Share whenever you can
If you are traveling alone, packing for your next flight should be relatively easy. But if you are traveling with a significant other, friend or an entire family, packing can sometimes be a nightmare. Sharing suitcases and personal items will save space. Share one large suitcase instead of lugging around multiple. Instead of packing two different toothpastes, just buy one.
3. Don’t pack your entire bathroom
Remember that almost everywhere you travel, you can probably buy the toiletries you need. Unless you’re going to a remote location without electricity or water, wait to buy items like deodorant or body soap. Bulky items like shampoo, soap and towels are always provided at hotels, and you can usually ask for more for free. Cutting down on your toiletries will save space and you won’t have to worry about liquids leaking in your luggage! If you can’t live without packing your favorite from home, travel-sized items will be your best friend.
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4. Choose your outfits wisely
When packing your clothes, be practical. You probably don’t need that extra pair of rain boots “just in case,” or that bulky winter coat. Make smart clothing choices and plan out your outfits ahead of time for the whole length of your trip. Check to see what the weather will be like during your trip and choose pieces of clothing that are versatile — like clothes you can layer or pieces that match multiple outfits.
Another well-known travel tip is to wear your heaviest items on your flights. Layering your clothes will keep you warm and cozy on your flight while saving you some space in your suitcase for other clothes you might want to bring.
5. Invest in an all-in-one gadget
To cut down even more on your luggage, ditch the books and the bulky camera. Instead, invest in a smartphone to that can serve as your cell phone, camera, iPod, and entertainment in one! Phones like the iPhone 7 are lightweight, water-resistant and can hold up to 128 GB of memory. That means you can take quality pictures of your trip, wherever adventure takes you.
A smartphone can most definitely keep you entertained on your flight with instant access to fun apps, ebooks, and music. An all-inclusive gadget is cost efficient so you get the best value for your money (which means more vacation spending money for you too!).
Get to packing! The key to packing light is to pack only what you need and stay organized. Make a checklist for yourself before you start packing and stick to the basics.