Did you know that

Did you know that offers traveling trivia description of great interesting combining them with figures in order to keep you entertained

The majesty of Planet Earth

Many feel separate and that the whole world revolves around themselves. Maybe they don't really realize how small they are before the majesty of Nature. Towering mountains, vast deserts, endless sky and trees thousands...

Explore a volcano from the inside out

Have you ever wondered what it is like inside a volcano? Now is the time to discover and even very closely. Get ready for a tour to a different world, full of unexpected surprises...

Santa Eulalia de Ujo in Asturias | The church that moved to make way...

When you see a Gothic or Renaissance church, it is easy to foresee that the temple could be an evolution of a Romanesque church, which over the centuries has been expanded and screed. But...

Tibet | The highest airport in the world now works

Did you know that the airport of Daocheng is finally running. A little bit than the Chinese expected (supposed to happen in May), after the first test flight of about a year ago. Garzi is...

Where to go in Basilicata |The Small Lake of Monticchio

Did you know that the small and big lake Monticchio are volcanic lakes, embedded in the southern Apennines - precisely in the ancient volcano of Mount Vulture. The area is surrounded by woods which...

The Unicredit Tower in Milan | The tallest skyscraper in Italy

It is located in Italy, but not only, as more often is cited among the most beautiful buildings in Europe and the world. Among others recognize the quality of the building, the German Emporis, a...

Melbourne | The most liveable city in the world

Each year, the Economist Intelligence Unit draws up a list of the most livable cities in the world and for the third consecutive year, ranking first the Australian Melbourne, which exceeds Vienna and Vancouver. The...

Bizarre buildings | The headquarters of the National Architects Union in Bucharest

From the series, did you know that I present to you the building that houses the headquarters of the National Architects Union in Bucharest. Looking at it, the impression is that of a project...

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