Did you know that

Did you know that offers traveling trivia description of great interesting combining them with figures in order to keep you entertained

Polar Aurora | Searching Earth’s Magnetosphere

Did you know that the difference between aurora borealis and aurora australis is given by the hemisphere in which it occurs. Aurora (atmospheric phenomenon), is alight that occurs at high altitudes, usually above 60...

The city with the most bridges in the world is Hamburg| Did you know...

Köhlbrandbrücke If we ask for cities with more bridges in the world, surely we would think in Venice (Italy) and Amsterdam (Netherlands). But there is still a city that has more bridges than these two...

Sotano de las golondrinas in Mexico | One of the most eccentric ways of...

Probably one of the most spectacular places to perform a free fall or a bungee jumping is in Mexico in the jungle of San Luis Potosi. A group of Texans ornithologists who were studying...

Icebergs can be used as a source for drinking water ? | Did you...

Did you know that 70% of the planet's water is found in the polar caps? Every year millions of tons of melting ice are diluted in the seawater. For this reason, a project named...

The largest fountain in the world is in Dubai

Did you know that the largest fountain in the globe was built in Dubai? Opened in spring 2009, Dubai’s fountain can boast of being the world's largest in the city that also includes the...

The world’s tallest tree is 115 metres tall

Discovered in 2006 in northern California, the 115 meters giant sequoia tree has so far the record for the highest tree in the world. The pulled the name from the Greek mythology and nicknamed...

Dublin’s needle is the world’s largest sculpture | Did you know that

The needle of Dublin (the Spire), officially called the "monument of light" as it changes color depending on how the sun shines, rises imposingly on O'Connell Street in Dublin. With 120 meters, stainless steel...

The Dead Sea, is just a lake | Did you know that

 Did you know that the Dead Sea is not actually a sea; it is just the shallowest lake in the world. The water comes from the Jordan River and other streams. Therefore, it only...

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