Did you know that

Did you know that offers traveling trivia description of great interesting combining them with figures in order to keep you entertained

World’s deepest hole is in Kola, Russia

Did you know that thereĀ  a few things known about Earth's interior?! Some say we know more for the boundaries of the universe than the center of our planet. What we know less comes...

Potosi was one of the largest and wealthier cities in America

Did you know that during the colonial period the most populous city in America was neither Mexico nor New York, but Potosi in Bolivia?! It had 160,000 inhabitants and their wealth came from the...

Country with the largest number of bunkers

Did you know that the largest number of "bunkers" or underground shelters is not the United States, nor Russia, Germany, China or Japan?! During the rule of Communist dictator Enver Hoxha (1950-1985) in Albania...

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