PL Peace Tower of Tondabayashi in Japan

It is above 182 meters high, the Peace Tower Pl is located on a hill in the boundaries of the greater metropolitan area of Osaka. Built in 1970 using the most modern technologies of the time, the tower can also be seen from the nearby city of Kobe. The work is an inter-religious monument dedicated to the souls of all men were victims of armed conflicts and wars. It is a place where you can go to reflect on the absurdity of war and pray for peace in the world.

Peace Tower of Tondabayashi PL Peace Tower in Japan PL Peace Tower

Every year, in August the 1st, at the foot of the tower is held a prayer ceremony for peace and in memory of the fallen of all conflicts.

If you want to read more about Japan, check: The main shopping streets in Tokyo, Takeshita Dori

 By Ina K


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