When you suggest to go visit Saklikent you stay a little lost in the difficulty of understanding what it is and also how to spell the name of this place.

But then, past the initial discomfort for the names in turkish, you delve deeper in the countryside in the south of Fethiye (we are in the south west of Turkey) to reach the Saklıkent Milli Parkı and venture further to the discovery of these gorges, carved into the rock by the river Karaçay which flows through.

40 kilometers from Fethiye, Saklikent gorge is one of the longest and most spectacular canyon of Turkey is 18 kilometers long and 300 meters deep! After passing a pedestrian crossing of 150 meters, we walk between the steep walls, down to the springs that come rushing from the rocks and encloses the corridor. In summer there is a comfortable minibus service linking the site to Fethiye.

The path is quite easy, since there is a boardwalk that runs along the rocks. You can then continue on small beaches to enjoy the cool waters of the river. If you’re in the area during the high season, which in these parts can easily mean 40 degrees in the shade, enjoy the canyon and its exceptional temperature. After admiring this natural wonder and after a trek through the rocks enjoy a well-deserved lunch, discover the delights of Turkish cuisine and then lie down on a hammock hanging from the trees right on the banks of the river: it will be a break you will not forget!

How to get there:
By Nikos K
Photos: Jase1111, *aliza* , Jules 5000 , phill.lister , Dave Witchalls , Sketchy Chap