The Amazon River is the largest river in the world | Did you know that

This river, located in South America, is the mightiest of the entire planet (i.e. the river that carries more water). With an average flow close to 219000m ² / s it becomes responsible for a fifth of all the water poured into the oceans. Not only it is the mightiest but it also helds the top spot as the world’s longest river. Although there is no clear consensus whether the longest river is the Nile or Amazon, recent studies claim that it is the latter that should be honored as the longest river.

Amazon River
Amazon River

The river is about 6785Km of route and crosses the territories of Peru, Colombia and Brazil and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Because of its high flow the river has also a large width which is so wide that from one bank to the other is about 330km of distance. Another curious fact is that in its mouth the flow is so high that it is possible to obtain fresh water offshore at a distance from which it is possible to see the coast. The birth of the Amazon is in Quebrada de Apacheta at 5597m above the sea level in the Peruvian Andes.

Photo :neomanza

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