Games of Thrones has been a very popular show and the fourth season of the television series phenom has just premiered on the American television. Today, we present to you the spectacular places on the planet where the shooting of the most epic series in television history has taken place. The truth is that many of the shots we see in our screens have been edited tremendously but all the landscapes and castles exist in reality. The producers of the series had traveled around the world for many months to find the right locations on the globe for the kingdoms of Westeros, the King’s Landing, the provinces of the North, the city of Winterfell, the Iron Islands, the castle of the Immortals, the places beyond the Wall, the desserts where we see Daenerys prepare her army etc…
The capital of Westeros, the King’s Landing is the old town of Dubrovnik in Croatia and the battlements of the Red Kip is the Lovrijenic castle in the same city. Also in Croatia there is the castle of the Immortals which is actually the Minceta tower and the robust city of Karth is the Croatian island Lokrum.

As for the provinces of the north, the producers traveled to the cloudy Northern Ireland. Thus the forests of the north is the Tollymore National Park, the city of Winterfell where the Starks reign is the Ward castle and the Dragonstone beach is the Irish Mussenden church. Moreover, the dark and dangerous road from Winterfell to King’s Landing is part of the dark hedges of Northern Ireland.

The wall of the Guard, where Jon Snow is, is in the icy Iceland. Specifically, the terrifying land “north of the wall” is an area called Vatnajökull. The warm lake where we see Jon swimming is the famous “cave of lava“. Daenerys’ quest to the throne passes through Morocco, where Yunkai is actually Ait Benhaddou and Astapor is Esakira.

Finally, some scenes have been filmed in the beautiful Malta. The bloodstained marriage of Dothraki was filmed in Azure stone coast. The gate of King’s Landing is the gate of Mdina in Malta and the big red gate is actually the Rikasoli fort.

Summer is on the way, so the series enthousiasts now have some places on their “to-visit” list.
Game of Thrones locations photos by: dominic labbe, lisa tinkley, roger smith, national trust, hobbit in shorts, ali emivov, roel prikken