This unique action in the video was performed by KLM which proceeded to the screening of the film in the company’s aircraft just for kids. And not only that, the experience became acclimated and unique.
The KLM airlines from the Netherlands opted this month for a particularly creative way of demonstrating their way of surprising children. In October the 2nd, 2013, KLM pledged to 300 children the experience of a lifetime. The 300 children who won in a drawing contest were offered for free a film screening, but it was not just any film screening .The lucky kids were treated to a spectacular selection of the New Disney film “The Planes”. The children were allowed on that date in one “interactive” Boing seat. What made it extra special was its location: aboard a real Boing airplane! (Not a cinema).

Besides popcorn and drinks that made children very happy, KLM went through an even more unique option: the first experience in film’s industry around an aircraft with special effects, recreating the world of aircraft on a living environment. The children could fly along their “animated actors” on the plane, for example there was green mist(this was reality) and thunderstorms were simulated from the windows of the real Boeing aircraft with lightning and rain – a great illusion that the children were extremely impressed. This made it an unforgettable experience for the children by turning it into a magical and dreamy moment. To be honest the kids are really to be envied and have experienced the coolest guaranteed screening of their young lives.
I would have had fun too – instead, when I came back I watched the “Titanic” on my Ipad – not Epic.