The largest island in the world

Did you know that the world’s largest island is Greenland, which belongs to Denmark, with an area of 2.166.086Km ² (comparing it with Spain which is only only 504.750Km ² it is way bigger). It is home to about 56,000 inhabitants and the most used languages are Greenlandic, Danish and English. Its capital is Nuuk, and it is home to only 13,000 inhabitants. Although the island belongs to Denmark, geographically it is part of the American continent. 84% of the territory of Greenland is ice, which makes it the second largest reserve of ice on the planet. In summer temperatures reach 15 º and -40 º in the winter and its economy is based on seafood, fishing, crafts and furs.

View from Ravnefjeldet, next to Nanortalik, Greenland
View from Ravnefjeldet, next to Nanortalik, Greenland
Greenland Map
Greenland Map
Greenland is, by area, the world's largest island that is not a continent, as well as the least densely populated country in the world.
Greenland is, by area, the world’s largest island that is not a continent, as well as the least densely populated country in the world.

Photo 1:yashendra2797, Photo 2+3: jeff_shared_images,

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