The beautiful city of Valencia deserves to be visited in peace and quiet with plenty of leisure time at your hands without having to rush. However if you only have a couple of days, these are the things you should not miss.

Saturday should be dedicated to visiting the architectural wonders of Valencia. In particular, at the Plaza del Mercado are some of the most beautiful medieval buildings, such as lanya, the Silk Exchange, which financed the voyage of Columbus, the Church of Jantos Juanes, with Renaissance and Baroque elements, and Cantral Mercado, one of the oldest food markets in Europe. In addition, enjoy the atmosphere in Valencia’s Plaza Redonda, the ideal place to do some shopping, and then continue to the beautiful Gothic cathedral, consecrated in 1280. After admiring the building, you can get a chance to challenge yourself and put the effort into climbing the tower Miguelete, where you can enjoy a splendid view of Valencia.

In the afternoon take a leap forward in time to visit the modern part of Valencia, from the impressive Plaza de Toros built in neoclassical style around 1860 in the form of a Roman amphitheater. Near the square is the old train station built in the twenties in the typical style of the century. Pottery is one of the most typical handicrafts of Valencia. Therefore if you’re interested, you will discover all its secrets by visiting the Museum of Ceramics, which is housed in the Marqués de Dos Aguas Palace, a luxurious palace of the fifteenth century changed over time according to the fashion Rococo, from neo-classical to several oriental decorations. Even just the beautiful Baroque door makes the walk worthwhile. The next day visit the museums dedicated to science and the sea, Prince Felipe Science Museum, an interactive center where you can touch the wonders of science.

The nearby Hemisfèric combines the grandeur of the immersive planetarium technology and a 3D projection room, while the Oceanogrà ficè is a wonderful aquarium, which houses sharks, dolphins, walruses, sea horses, and hundreds of other different sealife habitants. It is truly magnificent!
By Elsi H