Visit the Great Pyramids of Giza | Egypt

The oldest surviving monument of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, are the pyramids of Giza, the most famous pyramids of the world. They were constructed in 2580 BC in the necropolis of Giza in Egypt. The cluster is probable that it was used for the burial of Pharaoh and built by the fourth dynasty of Egypt. It includes the Pyramid of Khufu or Great Pyramid, the Pyramid of Khafra and the Pyramid of Mykerinou. Together they formed a vast complex of smaller pyramids, funerary temples and tombs officials. The major attractions of the necropolis includes the famous Great Sphinx.

Giza pyramids
Giza pyramids
Great Sphinx, Giza Pyramids, Egypt
Great Sphinx, Giza Pyramids, Egypt

Arguably the most famous is the largest pyramid, that of Cheops. The height of it reaches 146.60 meters and a side of perfect square base has a length of 230.35 meters. Impressive is the total of the volume reaches 2,521,000 cubic meters, covering an area of ​​54,000 square meters. To build it took 30 years of work by 100,000 workers – slaves , many of whom lost their lives during the construction. Externally, the pyramid of Cheops has a coating of granite slabs. The interior consists a labyrinth of corridors and small rooms, which prevented easy access to the main compartment, which houses the sarcophagus of Pharaoh.

Giza pyramids
Giza pyramids
Giza pyramids and Sphinx
Giza pyramids and Sphinx

This area had a height of 5 meters, width 5.34 meters and a length of 10.33 meters. The urn containing the mummy of Pharaoh was made of pink granite. The second pyramid was the tomb of Kchefren or Khafra, one of the most remarkable successor of Khufu, while the third was the pinnacle of Mykerinou successor of Khafra, which is even smaller in height. However, a trip to Egypt this year was not perfectly safe as the army overthrew President Mohamed tenons in July and since then hundreds of people have lost their lives.

View more about Egypt here: The oldest advertisement in the world found in Thebes, Egypt | Did you know that.

By Nicole P.

Great Pyramids of Giza photos: Uncornered Market, Ruth Hallam, donia Leisuretravel, Tour Memphis Egypt Tours.

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