When you think of statues, does any of them near your house come to mind that you do not like and wish it would disappear. Any that you either find ugly, pointless or horrifying? It may not be very nice, but we assure you it will not be as horrible as some of this list.
A sculpture is always a good way to add personality to a square or a park and a great way to pay tribute to a historical figure or event. Provided that the end result is beautiful to the eye, of course. The line that defines what is or is not art is very thin, but with these statues, there’s no room for doubt. You need to be careful walking down the street in case you meet some of them! You’ll have a nasty surprise!
Quasi, Christchurch, New Zealand
Faceless Babies, Blankenberge, Belgium
Örebro, Sweden
The Sea Lady, Falkenberg, Sweden
Drooling Horse, Curitiba, Brazil
The strange hand with eyes, faceless baby statues.. we are sure that these sculptures would be better off in a museum of horrors rather than on the streets of some of the most famous cities in the world. Some produce real terror, but others cause you to laugh. If you had to choose one to put in the square of your neighborhood, which one would you choose?
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