What To See

Things to see and do around the world. What to see gives the right info of the main museums, attractions, places around the globe.

Singapore skyline

World’s top 6 Skylines

Skylines are considered to be an awesome sight. In every modern city, this view is something that molds that whole area and considered to be a center of attraction. There are many great cities...

The sophisticated town of Mozart Salzburg – Austria

In the wonderful setting of the Austrian Alps is the town of Salzburg, a jewel of art and architecture built on the banks of the River Salzach. The old Salzburg town is the triumph of...

France | The city and the medieval festival of Semur en Auxois in Burgundy

That's why we go back again in those parts, to be precise from the parts of Semur en Auxois, in Burgundy (just north of Dijon and very south of Paris). We are going to Anchor...

Cuba – A Place Where the Old and the Modern Coexist

Traveling to Cuba allows you to live a unique experience, you do not have to use a time travel machine to travel through time here, you do not have to imagine anything; everything is real and wonderful!

What to see in Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw is the capital city of Poland. It has become a popular destination for traveling because of the rich history as well as striking attractions making. There are quite a number of must see...

Escape to the Cotswolds this Winter | 3 Beautiful Villages

If you ever find yourself looking for an idyllic escape this winter, look no further as the Cotswolds will surely provide you with a one-of-a-kind holiday. It is home to some of the most...

My trip to Costa del Sol

Long beaches, clear water and towering cities. I am in Costa del Sol, Tarifa between the tip and head of Gata. I begin this journey right from Tarifa, a huge beach on the ocean...

Grenada nicknamed as Spice Island

If you are planning to visit Grenada, prepare your nostrils as you can get a whiff of nutmeg and cinnamon in the air. This is the reason why Grenada is known as the Spice...

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