Just imagine being close to an exterior winter dawn with fields and sparse trees and off the massif of Monte Rosa in the background reflecting the first rays of the sun, and the towers of the Castle, towering over the walls. Everything seems truly beautiful and evocative.

Too bad that the castle was abandoned, shame to have to read the post of Cynthia, “unfortunately above you can see part of the collapsed castle. Every time unfortunately it can be fatal to the structure. “Always the same old story, of historical and cultural memories, abandoned to decay and be neglected.

We are in Piedmont, in Vettignè, which is fraction of Santhià, and this is the eponymous Castle, built by Boniface Dog, an Italian mercenary ferocious leader, who lived between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, which previously belonged to the family of Savoy. It’s rumored that the ghost of Bonifacio even lives in the Castle.

At 20 km from Vercelli, at a stone’s throw away from the Milan-Turin (90 km from Milan to Turin from 80) is located the historic castle. On the Blog of Cinzia you can find other photographs of her “escaped Sunday” to the Castle, and the signaling of the B & B by Enrica, the result of the renovation of the inn of the Castle.
By Alba V
Photos: Stefano Trucco, Stefano DM, Marco Ruggero.