In Alaska for skiing in the abandoned building

Even the choice of Alaska as your holiday destination denotes a tendency for adventure and exploration. But the stars of this enterprise risk and adrenaline will clearly be your inseparable companions. In fact, Logan Imlach and Matt Wild have gone up in Whittier, Alaska to challenge the Buckner Building, a large concrete structure built in the 50s to accommodate one thousand apartments, a bowling alley, a swimming pool, gym and much more. At that time, it was the largest building in the State, but after the 1964 earthquake, 9.2 on the Richter scale it got seriously damaged and condemned to abandonment.

Buckner Building in Whittier, Alaska
Buckner Building in Whittier, Alaska

Today, several decades later and the tower block are still there, dangerous for those who venture to the presence of asbestos and for the possibility of failure. But despite these details Logam and Matt chose to use it as a ski slope. Stairs, ramps, corridors and windows have become so many elements that make the descent more exciting and probably unique.

5FLOORSOFFURY from Doom/Love on Vimeo.

How often they say on TV, do not try to imitate what you see in the video …

By Ina K

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