Travel Business and Starting an Uber Fleet – An Review

One of the biggest problems people that love to travel face is that often they either can’t afford it or are too busy with work to find some time. With work taking up a lot of time from their daily lives, it can at times be impossible to get some time off in order to plan a trip and enjoy some relaxation while traveling.

If part of your work is being an Uber driver or owning an Uber fleet then you’re in luck. With the UberX kit that we’ll be reviewing below, you’ll be able to drive around, working and growing your business while at the same time seeing new places and traveling via your car. Via targeted business assessments you’ll find out how to lease, finance or buy a car and contract drivers in order to assemble a small fleet. How? Let’s find out!

What is in the UberX Kit

The UberX Kit, made available by the Uberkit team led by Malik Akande, contains a series of reports and a financial calculator that help Uber drivers all over the world grow their business. The assessment reports included in the kit will validate the financial viability of the business model of managing multiple Uber drivers.

The first thing you’ll find in the documents is a detailed business model assessment report that includes the type of car you’ll need to get the best out of your investment, a cost analysis that will let you know exactly how much you’ll need to spend to set up your business, a break-even analysis which will describe the point you’ll start making more than you spend and will begin making a profit and finally a risk analysis which will cover any potential risks your business will face if something unexpected happens and how to solve them.

Afterwards, you’ll find a quick start summary guide which will help even the hastiest launch today. With it, you’ll get an idea about the model multi-car owners use, the pros and cons of the business and the key elements and responsibilities behind an Uber Fleet ownership.

What is good about the UberX Kit

It is no secret that in recent years more and more people have begun working as uber drivers, slowly but surely replacing conventional taxis. However, most of these people either do it as a part-time job or never really take advantage of how profitable their business can really be. UberX Kit gives the drivers and partners all the information they need to succeed with their UberX business. The first part involves understanding the business model of Uber and thus, how to make profit in the transportation industry. The second part involves launching and slowly building your fleet to the point that you won’t even need to drive yourself anymore.

After having an extended look at the reports inside the UberX Kit we found them very helpful. To begin with, right off the bat the reports reveal every possible concern or risk involved and mitigation strategies and solutions. This shows that the creators of the kit are very transparent with their customers and the kit’s aim is clearly to assist new business owners. Inside the reports were detailed examples and diagrams making clear the difference between the UberX and Uber Black  platforms. Afterwards you can find cost, revenue and profit estimates with very specific numbers which is great for knowing exactly where you would stand if you decided to grow your own uber fleet business.

Finally, the reports include a 5 year financial model, possible exit strategy and details about specific car models and drivers recruitment guidelines. Not having to do anything like that before, this information seemed immensely valuable for us.

When you reach the point of breaking even and having a decently sized fleet, managing it and crushing competition will be all that’s left and you’ll have all the free time in the world to enjoy any trip you can imagine.

If you’re already an uber driver or are planning to become one, it’s in your best interest to check out the UberX Kit. It might be just what you need in order to make a huge change in your life that will allow you to realize many dreams, traveling more being one of them.

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