Travel secrets: how the elderly can afford three holidays a year

Travel opportunities for retirees have expanded over the last few decades and those in the 60+ category can have as many exciting adventures as the gap year generation.

Travel Secrets


In order to make their home more comfortable, many retirees will install a Stratum home lift in order to move around their property with greater ease. This device means those with mobility problems can use a domestic lift to travel up and down the different levels within their home. The lift really does operate at the flick of an electrical switch and is incredibly compact. More importantly, individual independence can easily be maintained.


The age of the ‘silver surfer’ is omnipresent. Just because one looks a certain age, or has mobility problems, it doesn’t necessarily mean that one’s inner soul has lost its zest for life and fun. Contemporary seniors can be spotted exploring most continents of the planet. Increasingly, voluntary organisations and charities have made use of the skills and expertise of this age group. This may well be part of the secret behind the increased number of ‘holidays’ of this generation; you’ll find many people of advanced years working with elephants in Thailand or volunteering their time in hospitals and children’s homes throughout the world.


In these times of diverse opportunities, an increasing number of pensioners are investigating the possibilities of a ‘home swap’. This is an inexpensive way of having an overseas holiday at minimal expense. The safest way to investigate this opportunity is to join an accredited organisation and then at least you’ll know that every applicant is vetted and that you won’t return to a devastated home.


One of the joys of retirement is that pensioners have the time to research all of the cheapest flight and travel deals. Last-minute cancellations aren’t just the preserve of the young. In fact, as long as your toothbrush is packed, prescriptions sorted out and travel insurance is sourced then there is nothing to stop this intrepid generation taking advantage of some of the most exciting travel destinations. After all, this is the generation who endured the Blitz, rationing and the explosion of rock and roll. Where is the problem in waiting for a cheap holiday after all of those experiences?

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