A trip abroad is one of the most enjoyable as long as it is well organized. Traveling abroad means being able to face a series of drawbacks related to the language, the bureaucracy of the country, for any health problems etc.. There are many issues that you may experience ranging from the loss of your credit card, the need of having to go to health facilities in the area due to health problems, the need for special visas required, the need to return ahead of schedule etc..
Here’s some advice! All you need to know and take care of before traveling abroad.
1. Documents
Before starting you need to find out which documents are required for that country. For countries belonging to the EU and the Schengen all you need is your ID card. If you go to another country you must obtain a passport issued by the police of the city of origin. A passport has 10 years of validity so before your journey you must check if it is still valid otherwise you have to renew it. Technically, the passport is not valid if the holder has not affixed his signature in the space provided. Someone does not affix to avoid that in the event of theft, the thief can also imitate the signature, but your signature is required.
2. Vaccinations
Before reaching certain places must be consulted in advance in one of the specialized centers at the local health authorities and hospitals. The Ministry of Public Health provides fact sheets on issues related to diseases, immunizations and special health standards of every country in the world.
3. Cartography
Having prepared a detailed cartography allows enough time to plan the itinerary and to be autonomous in the movements once you reach your holiday destination.
4. Currency and currency exchange
Before leaving, you may want to have with you money in the currency of the country you are visiting. Care must be taken to any restrictions in the import or export of currency, in fact in some countries they do not want their currency bait from their borders. You should also check with your bank if you can withdraw money from your account using your debit or credit card and if there are any fees applied. Using current accounts abroad is the ideal solution because you won’t have to carry a lot of cash with you and you can withdraw at the currency of the the country you have visited.
Lost or stolen credit card? In this case it is necessary:
1. Immediately block the card using the telephone number made available by the issuer of the credit card
2. Report the theft or loss to the competent authorities and retain documentation that may be required by the issuer of the credit card
3. You can apply for a card of emergency which will be provided generally within 24-48 hours
5. Insurance coverage
In some countries health service do not recognize an unconditional right to health cover for citizens who travel abroad for reasons not related to work. Therefore, before embarking on a trip you should go at your local health authorities to determine if the destination country of your journey has an agreement with your country (as in the case of EU member states).
The key concept to keep in mind is that the trip, intended as a holiday, it is a moment of relaxation, detachment from the daily routine with all that entails, and the possibility, therefore, to recover the mental and physical energy used during the year to meet the various commitments, work and family. Precisely for this conception of the holiday, in case of problems and inefficiencies, is expected the possibility of “ruined holiday”. Given this, it is necessary, in the case of traveling abroad, to think about the choice of the goal, to actually verify what we need and what we are willing to suffer.
The desire to escape, to try new and exciting emotions trying to relax can lead to wrong decisions underestimating the risks and unexpected, in some cases, stressful and tiring tasks in order to achieve our goals. The journey and, therefore, the holiday, should help us to provide a state of well-being, resulting in a longer or shorter period of leisure, relaxation, where, in addition to refresh the body, we can relax the spirit, with pleasant sensations and emotions, producing endorphins, contributing to the maintenance of homeostasis, that is, the positive result of body and mind in balance.
Travel photos: winklerw, Ronnie Wiggin
By Antzela B