I wonder how many of you are already in Rome or about to leave for the capital or do the countdown for the departure. The eternal city, with its unique charm in the world, will host thousands of people in that date. And on the night of December 31 will end up on the cover of the Fori Imperiali.

The big concert of the last night of the year to Fora is probably the best that the Italian city has to offer: it starts at 22.30, with a host of prominent names. Here and then, Pino Daniele, Mario Biondi and J-Ax, accompanied by Chiara Galiazzo plus the the triumphant X-Factor. People will stay with them until midnight, and then pass the baton to Rds and three other special guests. We are talking about Georgia, Nina Zilli and Emma Brown.

There is not only music and countless traditional artwork that fill Rome in this period there are also exhibitions that enrich the offer of the Capital. If you are fed up (if it can be possible) of the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museum, dedicate to Paul Klee, Johannes Vermeer and the famous photographer Robert Doisneau.

In the meantime, comes the optimistic comment of Gazzellone Antonio, delegate to the tourism capital of Rome: “Tourism in Rome is still a positive trend, as reported by Ebtl forecasts for the New Year giving an increase of 3% compared to the same period of 2011. “Keep it up.
By Ina K
Photo 1+2: paoloserra, Photo 3: kelvin.schafli, Photo 4: c8132