Burning mountain | The fire that burns endlessly in Australia
If you approach this place, now converted into a tourist attraction, you will soon begin to realize that something strange happens. The landscape changes around and eucalyptus forests give way to a lot of dead trees...
What are mirages and why they can be photographed
Our brain deceives us. But not on purpose, it is just a fault when optimizing processes. The brain is ready to respond equally to similar stimuli automatically, 'without thinking'. This saves time when interpreting the reality...
5 places around the world that nobody can visit
There are probably a lot of places in the world that very few people know of its existence. Although they are becoming less due to globalization, the idea of forbidden places is what makes...
Save Money on British Airways Flights with Avios
There’s nothing better than the prospect of jetsetting abroad for a quick break from the humdrum of everyday life, especially when Jack Frost is nipping at our toes and the cold winds have settled...
Pack away panic
Are you guilty of getting yourself into a panic before you go away on holiday? Do you spend the days you’re supposed to be getting excited, frantically thinking of what could go wrong and...
The seven most common scams when travelling abroad
The beginning of a new year, winter holidays and Christmas are always a good excuse to travel. But every trip is different and we can always be a victim of scammers, no matter how experienced...
The first capital of the Canary Islands was the proud Betancuria
Do you know that the first city founded in the Canary Islands, after the arrival of the conquerors, was settled on the island of Fuerteventura?
It will be easier for you to understand why it is...
When the alternative Chengdu becomes the main target in your trip to China
When planning a holiday trip to China there are cities or areas of the country that are not especially considered as essential visits, exactly the contrary to what happens with Pekin, Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. However,...