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The Caspian Sea, the Dead Sea and the Aral Sea are not seas, but...

Did you know that the Caspian Sea, the Dead Sea and the Aral Sea are not seas, but lakes? In fact, the Caspian is the largest lake in the world. Moreover, the lake Baikal...

Alaska was sold to America in 1867 | Did you know that

 Did you know that Russia sold Alaska to America in 1867 for 7.2 million USD?  Many Americans said "we bought a giant walrus and an expensive farm." Currently, the exploitation of Alaska’s natural resources...

Seven Surprising Cruise Ships Facts

Large floating cities hosting thousands of people, award-winning restaurants, rock-climbing walls, golf course and a collection of entertainment facilities; cruise ships are ridiculous feats of engineering and imagination. However, this is just beginning –...

The Isle of Wight – There’s More to See and Do Than You Think

Just off the coast of Hampshire, the Isle of Wight has been a popular destination with British tourists since Victorian times. It is especially popular with those who like the outdoors because of its...

5 Things to Do in Camden Town

Camden town located in London is one of the busiest towns in the United Kingdom. It is not surprising to know that it is one of the most expensive cities to live in because it is breathtaking and fabulous.

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