A jockey, desperately clinging to the bridle, while being dragged by two cows launched at a gallop, between the water and the mud of a rice paddy is a great image in your mind (trust me!). Hands up, those who have witnessed a race like this?!

Nothing like horses in Siena, or as bulls in Pamplona, ​​but a shot consisting of two in pairs for this race , out of the ordinary. This Pacu Jawi, the name of the race, took place last Saturday in Batusangkar, in Indonesia , where it is renewed every year the feast to celebrate the end of the harvest season of rice. The jockeys, precariously balanced on a wooden board, throw the pair of cows “gallop “of the rice fields, trying to glide over the water and mud. It is said that some jockeys in order to run faster than their opponents, bite into the tails of their animals.

Batusangka , the prison on the rock , is the capital of a district center west of the island of Sumatra , by extension, the third largest island in the Indonesian archipelago (after New Guinea and Borneo).