The Most dangerous travel destinations in the world

The world is a fascinating place. It’s also remarkably dangerous if you venture into the wrong bit. Not only are there a myriad of creatures that can kill, maim or generally cause you extreme discomfort, but there are also parts of the world that are becoming ‘no go’ areas for westerners due to the threat of international terrorism. Here we take a look at some of the most dangerous destinations in the world.

#1 – Yemen

Currently regarded as one of the most dangerous places on earth, Yemen is now at the heart of the international war on terror. Focus has shifted away from Afghanistan and Pakistan (although both are still regarded as extremely dangerous for western travellers) and towards Yemen, where Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is now a very real threat, particularly to visitors from the UK, Europe and the USA.

Dangereous places to visit

#2 – Somalia

This impoverished African country is currently in the grip of a vicious civil war, and as a result gangs of young men have taken to brutal piracy in a bid to make money. Sailing in Somali waters now carries extreme risk, and there have even been kidnappings and murders in seemingly ‘safe’ holiday resorts in neighbouring Kenya.

#3 – Iraq and Iran

Still struggling to recover after the devastating war, Iraq is considered to be ‘off limits’ to tourists. The same can be said for Iran, where westerners are regarded with suspicion and travel is difficult at best.

#4 – Nicaragua

Gangs in South and central America have a long history of kidnapping western travellers for ransom, and as many of these kidnappings are perpetrated by drugs cartels, the risks can be extreme. Travel, particularly for young backpackers is not advisable to this area of South America.

#5 – South Central LA

It may seem strange to include an area of one of the largest cities in the first world, but parts of south central Los Angeles are virtual no-go areas for non residents. A strong gang culture and high levels of gun crime, drugs and prostitution make this inner city area exceptionally dangerous to the unwary.

#6 – The Australian Outback

Remote, immense and subject to extremes of temperature make this extraordinary part of the world virtually uninhabited. A proliferation of poisonous snakes and spiders also pose a danger, particularly as the nearest medical attention is often days away.

#7 – Mindanao, The Philippines

The island of Mindanao is one of the most beautiful in the Philippines, and is renowned for having some of the best diving and beaches in the Pacific, as well as being home to the Philippines’ highest mountain. But continuous fighting between the military and insurgents make this an extremely dangerous paradise island, and current Home Office advice is to avoid the island altogether.

#8 – Syria

The current civil war in Syria and the recent escalation due to the use of chemical weapons makes this possibly one of the most dangerous destinations on the planet at the moment. Without doubt, this is a destination that should be avoided.

All of these places are extraordinary in their own right. The Middle East is a culturally diverse, historically rich and incredible place, where the welcome can be warmer than almost anywhere else in the world. But what this list proves is that no part of the world is truly ‘safe’ and that every step we travel along needs to be carefully considered. That process of risk assessment and putting a value on our own wellbeing is important, and a degree of good, old fashioned ‘common sense’ has to come into play when we’re talking about travel to high risk areas.

Charles Hamilton-Stubber from Aon Private Clients puts it succinctly: “An area of rising concern is personal wellbeing, particularly with the threat of terrorism and growing international mobility. Here it is especially pertinent when young family members are travelling or taking GAP years in far flung locations.”

So if your son or daughter is packing their rucksack and getting ready to go off exploring, make sure that they understand the risks both to themselves and others before they decide to go ‘off the beaten track’. We all want to discover, explore and find new places that haven’t been tainted by the commercialised tourist sector, but some of those remote places are genuinely dangerous. It would pay to remember that before waving goodbye to your child at the airport.

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