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Did you know that offers traveling trivia description of great interesting combining them with figures in order to keep you entertained

The Isle of Wight – There’s More to See and Do Than You Think

Just off the coast of Hampshire, the Isle of Wight has been a popular destination with British tourists since Victorian times. It is especially popular with those who like the outdoors because of its...

6 Common Sun Myths Every Holidaymaker Should Know About

Did you know that you can get sun damage on cloudy days? Or that if you have blue eyes you should take extra care when it comes to UV rays?

Off the Beaten Tracks – A Leisurely Weekend in Zurich

Although Zurich is not the official capital of Switzerland, it holds the status of the most diverse, cultural, and lively place in the country. Here are some insider tips for your stay.

How to Get Free Flights with a Travel Credit Card?

Have you ever seen people with pockets full of credit cards? In reality they get numerous benefits from free miles on airlines and loyalty points.

Tips for Travel Shopping and Pre-trip Preparation

Today we’ll show that times have changed and it's easier than ever to go travel shopping. Today everything is easier and makes traveling more relaxing.

5 Ways to Save Money for Your Dream Trip

Where do you get the money to travel? Are you rich? For those who aren't, saving is necessary and today we'll show some tricks to save money for your next trip!

5 Reasons Why Going to Canada Is a Great Idea

There are so many great reasons why you should visit Canada. To begin with, did you know that Canada is among the 10 happiest countries in the world?

How Brits Deal with Foreign Languages When Holidaying Abroad

We all known "hello", "yes", "thanks", "please" and "goodbye" as the most well known and used words of the English language. However, British travellers..

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