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Haikyo | Tourism in abandoned places

To visit abandoned places, explore ancient hospitals, enter buildings in ruins or tour amusement parks that closed their doors to public for years may be curious forms of travel. The Japanese call this practice...

Have coffee like never before in the land where it was born for the...

Legend has it that the first time a human being tried a cup of coffee was some many centuries ago in the lands that now compound Ethiopia. That person was a young shepherd named Kaldi keen on playing the...

Seven Surprising Cruise Ships Facts

Large floating cities hosting thousands of people, award-winning restaurants, rock-climbing walls, golf course and a collection of entertainment facilities; cruise ships are ridiculous feats of engineering and imagination. However, this is just beginning –...

The Rose of Hildesheim celebrates its 1200th birthday| Germany

More than an ornamental plant, one might refer to it as a tree growing out of control. The Rose of Hildesheim, also known as the thousand-year-old rose, is probably the oldest rose on Earth, and...

An Italian legend| Days of the blackbird to predict the weather

These last January days and the already February ones we are living are, for many, accompanied by legends and traditions that could give us a clue about when this spring will arrive to our life. Will it be soon or...

Burning mountain | The fire that burns endlessly in Australia

If you approach this place, now converted into a tourist attraction, you will soon begin to realize that something strange happens. The landscape changes around and eucalyptus forests give way to a lot of dead trees...

What are mirages and why they can be photographed

Our brain deceives us. But not on purpose, it is just a fault when optimizing processes. The brain is ready to respond equally to similar stimuli automatically, 'without thinking'. This saves time when interpreting the reality...

5 places around the world that nobody can visit

There are probably a lot of places in the world that very few people know of its existence. Although they are becoming less due to globalization, the idea of forbidden places is what makes...

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