Argentina: Buenos Aires by the end of the world (see video)

From: Buenos Aires. Check-in: South America and beyond. Andrew and Philip are two young men from Milan who started with backpacking and were looking for a dream.

Driving into the AiresDriving into the Aires
Driving into the AiresDriving into the Aires

If Buenos Aires was the first destination, left with a little sorry for return to the path of the road, the journey is still continued bringing the couple wanders in Patagonia, at the end of the world. And now where are they?

A witness to the entire camera on the shoulder of Philip, that between a shift and the other has two beautiful entrusted Vimeo clips on their experience. Stories, impressions, friendship, nature, life, music: everything is mixed in a few minutes, leaving the viewer dreamy.

More than words do apply in images. So the stage is all theirs: Happy New Year to both of us, a special thank you to Andrea.

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