In the gardens of the City of Paris International Art was born a theater. A fake wooden theatre of11 meters high and oddly shaped tower. It was built on the model of those in London of the sixteenth century, to give the correct location dedicated to performing the works of Shakespeare.
It’s called Tour wandering and Elizabethan theater which is a uniquely shaped and particular place. The same that had the Globe Theatre, the London theater where it was given to the company of William Shakespeare, whose reconstruction was visited near Blackfriars Bridge on the banks of the Thames.
The three floors of the Tower – Theatre can accommodate 300 people and can be disassembled to 10 people in just three days; maybe that’s why they called it a tramp. In any case, if you go to Paris and want to watch the shows or just take a picture of the wanderer theater, know that it starts on March the 20th with Rome and Juliet and closes in May the 21st  with Twelfth Night. The whole thing is only 34 euro per ticket.