For many people, travelling is a time to relax and finally let your hair down. It can be a chance to make memories and find friends that will last a lifetime. Yet, although you’ll be seeing you sights and eating new foods, there can be a more difficult side to travelling. This involves staying clean and hygienic throughout the experience. Not only will this make you a more welcome guest but it will also ensure you’re less likely to get sick or experience discomfort during your time abroad.

Many people are now travelling to receive medical care abroad, with dental tourism becoming a popular industry in its own right. Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth and Brits are discovering that this treatment is vastly more affordable in many places outside of the UK. Dental clinics in Poland have become particularly popular destinations with Brits often researching their options before discovering that the country offers some of the most affordable rates in the world for the high standard of quality it offers.
So, how do you stay hygienic while travelling abroad? Here are our top tips:
Antibacterial hand gel
Famously a traveller’s best friend, hand gel can be extremely useful when you’re travelling in an unfamiliar destination. Not only is it useful when soap and hot water aren’t available in a restroom but it ensures that you’ll be able to quickly sanitise your hands after meeting somebody you suspect has a cold or illness. It’s also useful if you’ve been handling money all day, as this can frequently be a source of germs.
While it might appear to outsiders that you’re being overly cautious it’s important to remember that your immune system may be weaker than those around you as you haven’t developed a resistance to common bacteria which is present. Locals may be able to stroke local pets without getting ill but it’s a risk you shouldn’t take without proper precautions.
This isn’t so much for your own comfort, as it is for the comfort of those you encounter. A person’s breath makes a huge impression and when travelling it can be easy to let proper dental hygiene slide. Therefore it pays huge dividends to regularly use mouthwash to keep your breath smelling fresh and clean throughout the day. It will also keep bacteria at pay and protect your mouth from infections and other dental problems like a build-up of plaque.
By Elsi H.