When we get off the plane we usually feel bloated, dehydrated, dirty and in pain. So in this post we will recommend you what to do to feel better, to take advantage of the flight to make a mini-cleanse and feel like new!
One of the problems when traveling is to eat all the time and not because of hunger. First we eat before boarding the plane just in case the food they offer on board is of poor quality and we might be hungrier, then we eat more junk food because we are waiting to board the plane and what a better way to spend time than with crisps and chocolates. Then when we finally get on board the air hostesses walk with the tray of food and we eat because we have nothing better to do and, well, it is for free. Of course we will feel bad when we land!

Even worse, in all that time we might have just drunk a Coke because it was all we got. Do not we already know that in airplanes we can dehydrate?
The solution is to stop eating when traveling, or at least eat less and healthier. And of course to drink plenty of water.
When you pass the security checkpoint buy a bottle of water and from there start to drink it. On the plane you can always ask the flight attendant to fill it up in order to have water available throughout the trip. And no worries, it will not make you go to the toilet all the time because in fact you are just preventing dehydration.

The other thing you can do is to buy nuts, dried fruits or a trail mix for a healthy snack if you get hungry. Try to avoid any heavy food like burgers, pizza or greasy Chinese food, so that all you eat while traveling are fruits and nuts. If you are very demanding you can bring your own snacks (if allowed) as celery, mini carrots or apples.

Also bring facial cleansing wipes and as soon as you get on the plane wipe your face and apply a good moisturizing cream. And before landing, wipe your face again (you would be surprised of how much pollution is there on airplanes) and you can even use a little of make up. With that you will look much better when you arrive.
Finally, if you want you can get one of those inflatable pillows to put around the neck. One of the most comfortable ones is that one which is not inflated at the rear part. So you will be able to sleep better and not mistreat your neck when arriving to your destination.

If you follow these tips you will make of your airplane trip something more pleasant.
Photos: hequebaeza, Luis Pérez, Brasil05 and Alison Read.