Did you know that

Did you know that offers traveling trivia description of great interesting combining them with figures in order to keep you entertained

World’s highest waterfall in Canaima National Park, Venezuela

In the twenties, an American pilot named Jimmy Angel accompanied a gold digger to the very limits of the Venezuelan Amazon Forest. He found an extraordinary vein (gold reserve) a place that he attempted...
couple of campers with pineapple posing near campervan

Behind the Scenes – Campervan and Camping Realities You Need to Know

A little tongue-in-cheek blog on what awaits when you join the campervanning fraternity. If you’re in the final throws of converting that Transit, Sprinter, or Nissan NV into the campervan you’ve always wanted, maybe now...

5 Horrifying Statues Nobody Wants In Their City

When you think of statues, does any of them near your house come to mind that you do not like and wish it would disappear. Any that you either find ugly, pointless or horrifying?...

Melbourne | The most liveable city in the world

Each year, the Economist Intelligence Unit draws up a list of the most livable cities in the world and for the third consecutive year, ranking first the Australian Melbourne, which exceeds Vienna and Vancouver. The...
Vatican City Tilt Shift

The smallest country in the world

Did you know that the Vatican City is the smallest sovereign state in the world? The smallest sovereign state in the world is the Vatican City, with only 1000 inhabitants and 0.44Km ². This...

Top 6 Places for Students to Visit in Europe

Europe, the old continent. Its glory and splendor since the old days never fail to attract students and tourist alike.

How to Prevent Burnout on a Long-Term Trip

The truth is long-term travel is exhausting. There, I said it. If I’m going on a city break for a few days, I’ll likely run through the streets trying to see the sights; only leaving time to absorb the atmosphere and eat some nice food.

New Century Global Centre of Chengdu in China | The biggest building in the...

June 28 in Chengdu in China was inaugurated yet another record-breaking building, the New Century Global Centre. This time it is the largest building in the world to a single body, and the one...

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